Articles in the Phoenix Coyotes Category
Chicago, Chicago Blackhawks, NHL, Phoenix Coyotes »
After a week of spending most of her time on campus working on her dissertation, Nicole came home early so I could attend the Sunday night Blackhawks game.
Beg, Borrow and Deal
As was the case last week, I decided not to attempt the scalping market and bought a SRO ticket for $27. Once again, I did not feel I could beat the $27 price point on the secondary market and I knew I would find a seat inside the United Center since it was a Sunday night game against the Coyotes.
Phoenix …
Chicago, Chicago Blackhawks, NHL, Phoenix Coyotes »

In a rare moment, I had to turn down an invite from Hospitality Jim to attend the Chicago Blackhawks game on October 27. First, I was not feeling well and second, we were leaving for Europe the next night and I needed to pack.
However, two days after getting back from Europe, Hospitality Jim invited me to tonight’s Blackhawks game. Since I figured I would not be invited to both games, tonight’s invite could have been a makeup invite.
Phoenix Coyotes at Chicago Blackhawks
The Coyotes scored two goals within 35 seconds and …
Chicago, Chicago Blackhawks, NHL, Phoenix Coyotes »

There are many reasons NOT to buy tickets in advance to any game and show up outside the stadium to buy tickets. First, tickets will be cheaper outside of the stadium than buying in advance (even buying tickets for face value from the team most of the time). Second, if you have a change of plans you do not have to sell your tickets (most likely at less than what you paid for them). Third, sometimes, at the last minute, a friend may have an extra ticket for the same …