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“Have Game Will Travel” is the pre-eminent sports travel website that provides first-hand tested, sports-fan-approved travel itineraries and tips for the sports fan who does not want to sit on the couch but wants to get into the game. You have the reassurance that you are not the first to “blaze-the-trail” of a new sporting event and city. With confidence you know that “Have Game Will Travel” has a “been there, done that” attitude in order to create the best possible travel experience for its readers.

Most sports fans know that travel tours are unnecessary and overpriced and most travel agents could not tell you the difference between the Giants (NY) and the Giants (SF). Now you may be an expert for your own team and stadium, but when it comes to taking a road trip, big or small, sports fans are usually left with the difficult task of piecing together their own travel. The problem is that you probably have another job and have better things to do than to map out the places to eat, drink and stay while traveling to another city.

That’s where we come in. “Have Game Will Travel” specializes in sports tourism and travel by wading through all of the details of your entire sports experience. From initial planning, to buying tickets, to restaurant and bar recommendations, we bring you an edited selection of details that will take all of the questions out of your sports trip. Learn the best boondoggling techniques to make a sports trip out of any type of traveling. Read tips on planning the ultimate sports trips even with the wife. These tools will guide and teach fans the ways to make their sports dreams into sports trips.

But the true benefit of the site rests in enabling our readers to dream up their own “fan” adventures and learn how to make these trips come true with practical and economical “insider tips.”

Andrew Van Cleve, “Have Game Will Travel’s,” President and Owner, has over ten years expertise in innovating with emerging technologies in the sports, entertainment and mobile industries. Andrew has worked for STATS, LLC and FOX Sports Interactive (but that did not get him very many free tickets).

But Andrew is not just an industry insider he is also the “ultimate sports fan.” He’ll circle the globe for any game and he’s not opposed to traveling anywhere to get there. Andrew has attended over 900 Major League Baseball games, 200 NBA games, 150 NFL games, and 200 NHL games spanning a total of over 200 North American professional and college stadiums as well as over 100 overseas sporting events in 20 countries on 4 different continents and the numbers continue to increase. Through this experience Andrew can guarantee that all of “Have Game Will Travel’s” tips and advice are first-hand tested, sports-fan approved.

Nicole Martorano Van Cleve is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Northwestern University. In her spare time, she writes for anygame-anywhere.com where she chronicles the adventures and mis-adventures of sports travel. She is a loyalist to Chicago teams (Bears, Cubs, Blackhawks, Bulls and, of course, the Northwestern Wildcats), but she clearly is a fan of all sports- taking in an impressive average of 50 games per year. She has been to over 225 MLB games and 15 MLB stadiums. She has traveled to Japan, Korea, all over Europe and considers herself an expert on the best fan fashion from all over the globe.

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