Articles tagged with: International
Denmark, International Soccer »

On Sunday morning, I was off to Copenhagen. I was scheduled to take the 8:10 am bus to Gothenburg before transferring to the 9:27 am train to Copenhagen. But, once again I could not sleep so I got to the train station slightly before 7:40 am to see the bus to Gothenburg waiting – I guess the bus runs every 30 minutes. I realized that there is no train service to Boras on the weekend, which is why I took a train here on Friday but had to take a …
Men's Tennis, Sweden »

On Saturday there is only one doubles match. Thus, this is the most uninteresting day of Davis Cup tennis. Unless, of course, the doubles match is the deciding match and one team wins 3-0. Then Sunday is the most uninteresting day as neither singles match on Sunday matters.
I was pretty jetlagged so I was up most of Friday night. Thus, rather than touring Borås on Saturday morning I slept most of the morning and even woke up to the point where I had to rush to the arena to be …
Men's Tennis, Sweden »

As I wrote last night, the worst part of staying in the hostel was the partying that occurred in the main kitchen area. Now granted my room was right next to the kitchen and I may not have been able to sleep due to jetlag (or worse I did not want to miss my 6:10 am train), but still the noise was insane. Plus, the hostel’s official policy is and I quote from their website:
Is it true that we can’t drink alcohol at City Backpackers?
“Well, we don’t want to be …
International Hockey, Sweden »

I landed in Stockholm close to my arrival time of 7:50 am which was not necessarily a good thing. I got through customs and decided to take the bus to downtown Stockholm. I thought the train would be a good option. However, the cost for a one way ticket was 240 Swedish Kronas and the bus was only 119 Kronas. At first, I thought this would only cost me $10, but then I remembered the exchange rate was around 6 Kronas per US Dollar – meaning it actually cost me …
Denmark, International Hockey, International Soccer, Men's Tennis, Sweden »
Four weeks ago, I started planning a weekend trip to Europe. I had planned to fly to London in order to travel to Dublin and Edinburgh for RBS 6 Nations rugby. However, the airfares to London were not cheap enough to make the trip.
Instead, I discovered that the airfare to Sweden was only $581.90 – cheap for Scandinavia. Plus, I had never been to Sweden. My next step was to determine if there were enough sporting events to make the trip worthwhile. There was a …