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Seriously Sick in Dallas: Hawks at Mavericks

30 January 2011 No Comment

It was supposed to be a quick trip to Dallas and Oklahoma City. The schedule was perfect. Fly Saturday morning to Dallas, attend the Dallas Mavericks game Saturday night, fly to Oklahoma City Sunday morning, attend the Oklahoma City Thunder game Sunday afternoon and fly back to Chicago Sunday evening. Of course, that was my plan alone. Then Nicole somehow convinced me to take the Ultimate Sports Baby with me – “it’s a short trip just like you said”…”plus he flies free”. I fell for her argument.

We landed in Dallas and my cousin picked us up and took us to her house in Rockwall, TX. She and her mom were planning to watch Dylan for the Mavericks game. I was all set to have a great night out with no wife and no baby.

But, of course, for some unknown reason, I became super sick from something I ate earlier in the day. Some serious food poisoning set in and I could barely get up. Thus, I missed meeting up with cousin’s son before the game and forced myself to attend the Mavericks game – that was the only reason I even flew to Dallas in the first place.

Beg, Borrow and Deal
My cousin’s son bought tickets to the game ahead of time so we were set there – even though I told him we could buy cheaper tickets from street scalpers (especially in Dallas). But since I was so sick having tickets ahead of time was a great thing.

American Airlines Center

Atlanta Hawks at Dallas Mavericks
As I already wrote, I was planning to have a good time on Saturday night without Dylan or Nicole. However, my sickness took over. Instead, I made it halfway through the third quarter and called it a night and drove back to Rockwall, TX. During the game, I even bought a $7 Slurpee from the arena since I was so thirsty. My cousin’s son made fun of me for doing so as he should have.

In all of this personal drama, the Mavericks defeated the Hawks 102-91 as Jason Terry had 11 assists coming off the bench.

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