Articles in the Tampa Bay Rays Category
Chicago, Chicago White Sox, MLB, Tampa Bay Rays »

After attending six straight Cubs games, it was time for the White Sox home opener. The game was scheduled for 1:10 pm this afternoon. Also, I am flying to San Francisco tonight as I wait at the airport. I scheduled my flight for Thursday night, so 1) I could make both the White Sox home opener and the Giants home opener on Friday afternoon and 2) that Dylan would sleep on the plane.
My planning was perfect. The only problem was how to attend the White Sox home opener and get …
Chicago, Chicago White Sox, MLB, Tampa Bay Rays »
July 23, 2009 will live in infamy for Chicago White Sox fans and definitely for me. That’s the day Mark Buehrle threw the 18th perfect game in MLB history – one of baseball’s rarest achievements. Since I started attending baseball games I always wanted to see a no-hitter. And, in the 823 regular season MLB games I attended before last July 23, I never saw one let alone see a perfect game. The best I witnessed was five one-hitters and several “close calls.”
So with Buehrle pitching against the Tampa Bay …
Chicago, Chicago White Sox, MLB, Tampa Bay Rays »

Cheering for both the Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox is indefensible in Chicago. During the White Sox 2005 playoff run, the term bisoxual developed to define Cubs fans that rooted for the White Sox at the time. In fact, this is the official definition of “bisoxual” according to
Bi-sox-u-al [bai-sahk-shu-ul]
1. State of being for Chicago Cubs fans who root for the Chicago White Sox when they reach the postseason.
2. A fan of both the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox. A virtually indefensible position in the bitter rivalry …
Tampa Bay Rays »
Ideally I would be attending World Series games at Wrigley Field this weekend. However, when the Tampa Bay Rays made the World Series after beating the Boston Red Sox, the Ultimate Sports Wife and I decided to visit her family in Florida. Her family lives in Central Florida – less than a two hour drive from many major Florida cities – Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Gainesville and Daytona Beach. So with the World Series coming to St. Petersburg, FL, we flew down to Florida for Game 2.
Obtaining TicketsI did not wait …
Tampa Bay Rays »
This past weekend, Nicole and I traveled to Florida to visit her family. Both the Tampa Bay Rays and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were home while we were there. With Tampa about a 90 minute drive from her family’s home, I chose to attend only one game rather than drive down to Tampa twice. Thus, I had a decision to make. Under my guidelines of prioritizing which game to attend, I would normally choose to attend a NFL game over a MLB game – the main reason being that there …