Articles in the Ohio St. Men’s Basketball Category
Georgia Tech Men's Basketball, Men's College Basketball, Milwaukee, Ohio St. Men's Basketball »

As was the case on Friday, I arrived close to the first tip of the first game. However, since today was a Sunday I knew I could park for free on city streets. I drove directly to Juneau Ave. where I used to park for free when I attended five Milwaukee Bucks playoff games back during their playoff run of 2002. I parked 6 to 7 blocks away from the Bradley Center on the corner of Juneau Ave. and Jackson St. – a walk that was probably too far even …
Men's College Basketball, Milwaukee, Ohio St. Men's Basketball, UCSB Men's Basketball »

Once again, I left the stadium between games of the session with my “smoking” stamp. I wandered down Old World 3rd St. and ducked into Durango BBQ & Grill. I stopped in there because they had the best special of the bars on Old World 3rd St. – $3 20 oz. beers. Not only was every other bar overcrowded, but they were also charging at least $5 per beer. That also means that Durango is not nearly as popular as the bars on the street which I tend to agree. …