Home » Glasgow, Manchester

Traveling back to Manchester

30 September 2009 No Comment

Since I went to sleep relatively early Tuesday night, I woke up early Wednesday morning. I was at the hostel’s free breakfast as soon as it opened at 7:00 am and was on the train back to Manchester at 8:00 am.

Once again, I was nervous that I would need to pay a one way fare from Glasgow to Carlisle since I only had an England BritRail pass, but, once again, the conductor glanced at my pass and went onto the next passenger. I had successfully taken the train to and from Scotland and England four times without a penalty fare even though I had specifically bought an England only BritRail pass. I bought the pass in August before realizing there would be three matches I would want to attend in Scotland. If I planned to attend the Scottish matches originally I would have spent the extra $90 on the England and Scotland BritRail pass.

I arrived in Manchester at 11:18 and checked into the Hatter’s Hostel – the hostel I had booked a week earlier knowing I would attend the Manchester United Champions League match versus Wolfsburg. Of course, I was again too early to check into the hostel even though I had a single. However, this time I could check in by 1:00 pm.

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