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Touring around Glasgow, Scotland

29 September 2009 No Comment

Once again I was on an early train. And, once again, I was hoping I would not have to pay for a one way ticket to Scotland. This time I was taking the train from Manchester, England to Glasgow, Scotland. My plan was to attend the Rangers and Sevilla FC Champions League match on Tuesday night.

I took the 9:46 am train from Manchester and had to change trains in Preston, England. I was safe taking that train since the train only traveled in England. It was the Preston, England to Glasgow, Scotland train I was nervous about. However, when the conductor came by to look at my ticket he did not say anything. Just said thanks and moved along to the next passenger.

I arrived in Glasgow at 1:01 pm. The Euro Hostel was near the train station (as were all of the hotels and hostels I booked), so I walked over to check in. The one downside with staying in hostels is that they will not let you check in early even if they have room available. They told me check-in was 3 pm, which I had feared they would do. However, the reason I took the early train was that this was the first time I had been to Glasgow and I wanted to tour around.

Touring Glasgow
I decided to eat at Babbity Bowster – a Scottish restaurant that Let’s Go recommended. The main tourist attraction I planned to see was the Glasgow Cathedral. Since the restaurant was on the way to the cathedral I walked through downtown Glasgow and saw the architecture Glasgow had to offer.

The cathedral was similar to most of the cathedrals I have seen in Europe. After viewing the cathedral I walked back to downtown Glasgow and decided it was time to head over to Ibrox Stadium.

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