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To spend $8 or $100 for a Chicago White Sox game

30 June 2008 No Comment

Yesterday, the Chicago Machine game ended before 6 pm. I had hoped to drive straight to US Cellular Field to watch the White Sox host the Cubs in Sunday Night Baseball which started at 7:10 pm. However, my rational side took over.

On Sunday morning, I had researched ticket prices for the Sunday night game. Posts on craigslist.org were ranging around $100 per ticket for upper deck seats and stubhub.com and ticketsnow.com were a little higher.

Then I thought the following:
1) By attending the game last night, that would all but rule out attending any of the remaining White Sox games this week.
2) I remembered that Monday nights at US Cellular Field are half-price. Meaning I can sit in the upper deck tonight for a measly $8.50 vs. negotiating with scalpers for the right to pay around $100 for last night’s game.

In my opinion, watching the Indians play the White Sox and saving $90 was the better option so I will be at US Cellular Field tonight. In addition, parking is more available and concession lines will be shorter.

However, my opinion is in the minority since fans were willing to pay top dollar for the game last night. Or then again, maybe they get caught up in the hype of the Crosstown Classic and fail to realize there are still seats available for the remainder of the White Sox homestand (which ends Sunday, July 7) at a fraction of the cost. Obviously, Cubs fans would not necessarily attend a game at US Cellular Field, but I am wondering where do all the White Sox fans go?

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