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Tips for Surviving Cold Weather April Cubs Games

28 April 2010 No Comment

On a July day, when the sun is shining upon Wrigley Field and the Cubs announce that the game is sold out, it is easy to forget about a cold day in April. Just like tonight.

The Cubs would lead you to believe that every game at Wrigley Field is in high demand, but this is just not the case. First, tonight’s game was not sold out. Even though the announced attendance was 37,440 (technically 91% full) the stadium was easily half empty – due to season ticket holders not showing up or not being able to resell their tickets.

Second, the game time temperature was 43 degrees – a temperature the average baseball fan cannot comprehend, let alone sit through for three hours. In fact, the Chicago suburbanite may not even realize to bring their winter coat, because they only go to games during the summer. Don’t be the guy who wears their short sleeve jersey and shorts. To get through an April baseball game in Chicago you need to wear long underwear, a heavy coat, a beanie and gloves just to hope to stay warm. And, if you are with your significant other, you can also bring a blanket.

Third, outside of the stadium is totally dead. The beer gardens are empty as fans are congregating inside. Ticket scalpers are begging for people to buy tickets and the parking lots in the neighborhood are half empty as there is excess supply.

While most fans prefer to attend games at Wrigley Field during the summer, there are reasons to brave these April conditions and actually have a good time doing it. Here are a few reasons to do so:

1) Have fun gouging ticket scalpers and parking attendants. The tables are turned as supply for each is greater than demand. Let these people fight for your business. Once the ground thaws and the sun comes out the deals will most likely be dead. Check out the ticket buying guide for how to purchase tickets to these games.
2) Accept the fact you are dressing for a Chicago Bears game rather than a “typical” game at Wrigley Field. However, most games are still warmer than any winter or late fall Bears games so no complaining. Just dress for it and you will be fine.
3) Do you want a Ferris Bueller experience and heckle “Hey Batta Batta Swing!” Your best bet is to go on a night like tonight and sit wherever you want. Most fans will not show up so take your pick of the prime seats. If you want to tempt the fates, try sitting in Steve Bartman’s seat – Aisle 4, Row 8, Seat 113.
4) After the game change it up for once. Rather than freezing in a beer garden, a much better option would be to warm up at a winter-type hot spot. Try Uncommon Ground (located a block north of Wrigley Field at 3800 N. Clark St.) where they have spiked lattés and a warm fireplace.

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