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Sun vs. Shade at Wrigley Field: Astros at Cubs

17 April 2010 No Comment

For the second day in a row, the Cubs tried to stage an eighth inning comeback. However, today they came up short losing to the Astros 4-3. Roy Oswalt shut down the Cubs, pitching shutout baseball over seven innings.

Sun vs. Shade
The game time temperature was 50 degrees, which is actually a good temperature for April baseball in Chicago. However, at Wrigley Field whether you are sitting in the sun or the shade can make a world of difference. If you are sitting in the shade be sure to bring layers and a blanket as you will most likely be freezing throughout the game.

If you are in the sun, you may not even need a coat as the sun creates that much of a temperature difference. If you have shade tickets (which most people do), try to sit down the right or left field lines on the first level (or sneak down to the sunny seats by the field) in order to stay warm throughout the game. Of course, the reason the sun seats are good on cold days is the exact reason they are bad on hot days.

Pre and Post Game Dining
My neighbor and I went to the new Sports Corner before the game. However, we did not see much of it out as we sat on the street patio. After the game we went to the Captain Morgan Club.

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