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Grand Slams at U.S. Cellular Field

27 September 2008 No Comment

The Cleveland Indians defeated the Chicago White Sox 11-8 last night. Ryan Garko hit a grand slam in top of the 5th inning to give the Indians the lead which they never gave up.

In the ten White Sox games I have attended at U.S. Cellular Field this season, I have witnessed 6 grand slams in 5 of those games. In addition, a player has had at least four RBI in seven of the games I attended. I’m not sure how many grand slams I have witnessed in total but I am pretty sure this is the most I have seen at one park in one season. Below is the list of players who have had more than 4 RBI at U.S. Cellular Field this season (players who hit a grand slam are in bold):

September 26, 2008: Ryan Garko (5 RBI)
June 30, 2008: Nick Swisher (5 RBI)
June 27, 2008: Nick Swisher (4 RBI)
June 8, 2008: Nick Swisher (4 RBI)
May 7, 2008: Nick Punto (5 RBI), Carlos Gomez hits for the cycle
April 22, 2008: Bobby Abreu (4 RBI)
April 13, 2008: Joe Crede (4 RBI), Paul Konerko (5 RBI)

Obtaining Tickets
I took the “red line” to U.S. Cellular Field. There are always scalpers lining 35th St. as you walk to the park. The scalpers did not have any $10 tickets which was the highest I was willing to pay. I found a fan with a $42 face value ticket and offered him $10. He declined the offer. Next I found a fan with some extras in the upper deck. He handed me a single for free. With some effort, you can find free tickets around the stadium. However, you should be willing to pay something just in case you cannot find the freebies.

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