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Deus Ex Machina…We are Back on Top!

11 April 2008 No Comment

In a strange twist of fate, we got a THE call yesterday. A call that we had hoped for all off-season long.

Our friend, the anonymous and powerful rooftop owner, wanted to barter for another year. He parks his VERY expensive car in our garage and in exchange, we get to come up on the roof top all season long.
Now, this is a very valuable trade. One parking spot in Wrigley sells for $20-25 per game. On Opening Day and for big games, the price goes up to $50 a spot. Not bad. Yet, full season access to the rooftops is the best. The going rate for one game is about $150. It includes unlimited food and drinks plus a great view of the games.

Now, just cause we are on the roof, does NOT mean we are VIP. Here is the sequence of steps required for us to get on the roof top all season long:
1) We have to go to the bouncer at one of the Sheffield-Rooftop locations.
2) We say we know the owner and we are on the list.
3) Paying customers shoot us scathing looks and the bouncers are clueless.
4) The bouncer shoots us scathing look.
5) We explain that the owner parks his car in our garage.
6) Bouncers don’t believe us.
7) We describe the owner’s REALLY expensive car in detail as proof of our story.
8) They don’t believe us and ask us to call the owner.
9) We call him, he is pissed, talks to the bouncer and the bouncers says:” yes yes yes.
10) We get the “Game Day” passes and beat all the paying customers to the best seats on the roof.

Painful? Quite. Worth it? Yes.

Once I find out how this “Deus Ex Machina” twist took shape, I will explain. Until then, here is a picture of where we will be most of the summer.

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