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Cubs Comeback vs. Pirates

2 April 2011 No Comment

Nicole and I decided it was too cold (46 degrees with a strong wind) for Dylan to attend the game, so once Nicole got back from teaching ice skating she took Dylan to the gym.

Beg, Borrow and Deal
I had two tickets for Sunday’s game. But rather than buy a ticket for today and sell a ticket for tomorrow, I traded for today’s ticket. I have done this in the past as well. If you have two tickets for a later date, scalpers will generally trade their tickets that will be worthless in a few minutes for ones that will be worthless at a later date.

Pittsburgh Pirates at Chicago Cubs
It was looking a lot like the Cubs would lose the first two games of the season to the Pittsburgh Pirates, but a Lyle Overbay error in the eighth inning led to three unearned runs and a five run inning for the Cubs. Carlos Marmol earned the save with a three strikeout ninth inning.

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