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College Basketball at United Center: Illinois at UIC

18 December 2010 No Comment

As is the case with most Saturday mornings, Nicole was teaching skating. Thus, I found a sporting event to attend with the Ultimate Sports Baby. This time it was UIC Men’s Basketball hosting Illinois at the United Center. Based on my experience from the Blackhawks game last Wednesday night I figured it would not be too painful to bring Dylan into the United Center again. Plus, college basketball only lasts for two hours so the game should be quick.

Beg, Borrow and Deal
I figured tickets would be cheap. On my walk to the arena, I bought a ticket for $15 in section 115. That was more than I wanted to spend but less than face value of $60.

United Center Stroller Rules
Since I knew the game would not be sold out, I decided not to check Dylan’s stroller since nobody actually forces you to check it. It is more of a service for you because if you want to sit in your seat at a sold out game there is no room for your stroller. I went to my seat which was in an empty section as I expected. I was asked by several ushers to check the stroller but asked them why since there was so much room. They agreed and let me put the stroller on the seats.

Illinois at UI-Chicago
This was technically a home game for the Flames, but any time Illinois plays in Chicago, the Fighting Illini fans come out in droves. This was no different on Saturday afternoon at the United Center.

Illinois-Chicago upsets Illinois

The only difference was the Flames somehow came back from a 49-41 deficit with 7:30 remaining in the second half to win the game 57-54. It must be one of the biggest upsets in UIC basketball history. UIC’s only other victory over Illinois came in 1990 at Champaign.

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