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Ballhawks Outside of Wrigley Field

20 July 2010 No Comment

There are a lot of things I take for granted at Wrigley Field now that I have attended 435 Cubs games, two minor league games and the NHL Winter Classic at the ballpark. One thing I never think of is the ballhawks that sit along Waveland Ave. I pass these guys every game, but have never talked to or inquired about their desire to sit outside Wrigley Field which is equal to my desire to sit inside the ballpark. In fact, I have never once wandered outside to try to catch a ball during batting practice even though I live within one block of these guys.

However, this is not the only aspect of Wrigley Field I take for granted that are must sees for any newbie attending a game at Wrigley Field. First, is adding up the score on the hand operated scoreboard. Second, the ivy. Third, the rooftops. Fourth, the Harry Carey and Ernie Banks statues. Fifth, is something I do not even realize I am taking for granted. Sixth, it’s Wrigley Field – the Mecca of all sports venues.

Ballhawks are a controversial crew. In all respect, they are equal to scouts but are compared to vultures. They swoop in to grab any baseball that comes into the stands and it is very competitive. On the other hand, they have an incredible amount of baseball knowledge in order to catch baseballs. They need to know pitching matchups, know where the batter typically hits the ball and how the weather will affect the trajectory of the ball just to name a few things.

Houston Astros at Chicago Cubs
The Astros got off to a quick start scoring 5 runs in the first inning and 3 runs in the third inning propelling them to an easy 11-5 victory over the Cubs. The Astros 17 hits were the most given up by the Cubs this season. Carlos Silva was shelled in his second consecutive start after the All-Star break pitching only one inning.

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