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A British Invasion: Day 1 of Three Days in Chicago

27 July 2008 No Comment

It is not until two British tourists show up at your door that you are forced think about what to do in a city with so many possibilities. If you are a lifelong Chicagoan, then the pressure is even worse.

Our British friends, Mick and Caroline, planned a three-day visit in Chicago during their larger U.S. vacation. In the planning phase of this visit, we made sure that their visit coincided with at least one Cubs game, but that wasn’t until the last night of their trip. So, to make the most of their visit, I humbly took the reigns of their itinerary to hit the “must-sees” of Chicago in only three-days. Here it is. I am sure some of your may disagree but chime in, if you do.

Day 1: The Brits arrived in the late afternoon and unpacked their bags in Wrigleyville. After their travels, they were hungry for a quick bite so we headed to the Salt and Pepper Diner on Clark Street. It’s got cheap food, a great atmosphere, and a fun, fifties decor. For the Brits, you couldn’t get anymore Americana than this.

For dinner, we decided to go casual and hit-up a traditional Chicago-style pizza restaurant. Chicago has many to choose from: Gino’s East, Giordano’s, Lou Malnati’s, etc. We could debate the merits of all of them but it is best to just try your luck and develop your own opinion. My personal favorite is Lou Malnati’s but on this night, we tried Giordano’s for authentic deep dish pizza.

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