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A Baseball Bobblefoot?

24 May 2008 No Comment

In a tribute to one of the most famous and notorious American statesmen, Republican Senator Larry Craig, the St. Paul Saints baseball club (an independent club that plays in the American Association), has devised one of the most creative game day giveaways that I have ever seen: a mini bathroom stall with a pair of legs and feet…one of which is rigged to tap.
The press release issued by the Saint’s organization states that 2500 lucky fans will received these “bobblefoot” knickknacks in honor of “National Tap Dance Day.” Yet, the press release goes on to say that “it doesn’t matter if your tapping style is done with a “wide stance” or is used as some sort of code…tap to their heart’s content on May 25.” So, the organization never “really” references Larry Craig in the same way that Larry Craig never “really” wanted sex from that undercover police officer. 
Yeah yeah…we get it. Wink Wink. Nudge Nudge…Its all about Senator Larry Craig and his soliciting sex in the bathroom stall at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Of course, this resulted in a plea of guilty to disorderly conduct and total political ruin for Mr. Craig. 
What’s one man’s personal and political tragedy is many fans’ gain on game day. Not only is this one of the Saint’s most popular promotions, but the bobblefoot is designed with a sales ad on the stall reading, “for a good time call 651-644-6659.”  The number brings you to the ticket sales office where sales are definitely up.  As I mentioned, this is one of the most creative, and might I add, pain-free, promotions that I have seen in quite a while. 
Recently, I stumbled upon on doozy of a freebie: Free Milwaukee Brewers tickets for fans who receive a rectal exam at the stadium. (I will save you the picture from this promotion).  Sure, this was all in honor prostate health but come on…is that really going to get fans to the game or keep them away? For the average fan…I can guess the answer.  For Larry Craig? Who is to say? 

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