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10,000 Wins…An Undetermined Amount of Pain

24 April 2008 No Comment

We watched the Cubs 10,000th win from a North Side bar-enjoying German brews and great food.

I was a little confused by the enormous celebration. Sure, 10,000 wins is a milestone but hidden in the numbers is years of pain and loss. 10,000 wins represents a long history of baseball in Chicago. Generations of fans have waited for that sacred winning season where “this year is finally here.” 10,000 wins is really over a hundred years in the making. Is it really an accomplishment or just a prize for longevity? We have 10,000 wins but of course, we are missing the “win” that means the most: A World Series Championship.

Here is another number: 100. That’s how many years its been since fans have been waiting for that milestone.
Right now, the Traditional “W” flag is flying outside of Wrigley. Along side is a “10,000” flag celebrating the milestone.

I am quite certain that we must have passed this milestone on the losses. To get to 10,000 wins, how many have we had to lose? Better yet, even if we’ve had more wins than losses, there is no way to quantify the pain. The Cubs seems to always find a way to lose in glorious fashion…in a way that hints at hope but then destroys your dreams. Sure the flags are waving now, but its only April and I am a bit scared to think ahead to October…if there is an October for the Cubs.

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