Home » Wrigleyville Informal Economy

The Cost of the Cubs Clinch!

22 September 2008 No Comment

This Saturday, the Cubs clinched the NL Central in dramatic fashion against the Cards. Having attended 26 Cubs games in addition to 8 other MLB games, I needed a break before the playoffs to make it through the homestretch of the season. So, on Saturday, I found myself helping the premier lemonade stand in Wrigleyville for my team’s ice skating fundraiser. Given the high spirits of Cubs fans, donations rolled in. We sold $250 worth of dollar lemonade and treats….that’s like drug money lemonade stand.

Such is the informal economy in Wrigleyville. Anyone can make themselves into a tee shirt entrepreneur by hiding from the police and parading tee shirts through the crowd on a five foot stick. Parking spots behind the house sell for $35 for the regular season but soar to $50 or $60 during the post season. I can’t even fathom the price during a potential World Series. In a city where beer and food specials are part of the bar culture in Chicago…forget finding one in Wrigleyville on game day. You are paying for ambiance and remember, you can’t put a special price on that.

With the Cubs clinching, brace yourself. It’s going to be a wild ride in the neighborhood and for those visiting.

On Saturday night, as I packed up the lemonade stand and escorted my ice skating students to their car, I was horrified to realize that three men had opened it up and whipped it out for a quick piss behind the house. I guess this is all part of the circle of life in our Wrigleyville economy. We gouge the drunk guys to open their wallets; they return the “favor” by opening their pants for a piss. If you ever drive into Wrigleyville, and think that the neighbors got it made, just remember there is a price that we pay. Picture your beautiful, manicured lawn in Buffalo Grove or Wilmette. Now picture a drunk dude watering it. Be happy that you can leave the ambiance and high tail it home on Lake Shore Drive or the Kennedy.

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