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‘Scary’ Lesbians Freak Out Seattle Mariners Fan

6 June 2008 No Comment

I wish there was a “sarcasm” font so I could be sure that readers don’t actually think that lesbians are scary.  After hearing about this story through the AP, it is clear that some fans need to get a grip and make their way to the new millennium.
Fans at a Seattle Mariners game complained about a lesbian couple kissing at Safeco Field. The usher in the section approached the couple and asked them to cease and desist on the kiss. There may be children watching!

Regardless of your politics, can we all just calm down about these simple things? And, don’t use the argument that the “kids may see.” I have seen heterosexual couples violate acceptable P.D.A. standards and rarely, do we question them and ask them to stop. Also, in the exuberance of winning a World Cup, a World Series or Super Bowl, I have seen many men partake in a celebratory kiss, butt slap and a hug or two.

So, why the lesbians? Why so offensive and so upsetting in a setting that often fuels unruly behavior of fans? Just to gain some perspective on this matter, I thought that I should list some incidents that would be much more difficult to explain to a child than two women kissing on a date:

1) A man vomiting on himself in the second inning of a Cubs game.
2) A man so drunk at a Bengals game that he fell on an elderly woman only to get punched in the head by her son.
3) Women and men flashing themselves to the rooftops at Wrigley…bare bottoms and breasts…some of which were very unattractive.
4) A man heckling a visiting NFL fan (with his child there) and using racial slurs.
5) The fans chanting F*ck-U-Do-Me at the Cubs game.

This list can go on for quite a while, but you get my point. But, here is one thing that might be the most difficult to explain to your child: a fan so intolerant and ignorant of others that they want a security guard to aid in their homophobia. There is little explaining you can do to make that right or conceivable.

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