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Escorting Chelios and the Stanley Cup

23 August 2008 No Comment

On my way to the gym, I saw a massive crowd waiting-out a minor rain delay at Murphy’s. There was a shiny, enormous bowl popping out of the crowd. My natural reaction was to think that some ‘tool’ was using this as a beer trough; you see a lot of dumb-ass things outside of Wrigley. But, when I got close enough to see that the “tool” carrying the shiny bowl was actually Chris Chelios and the Stanley Cup, I went into mass panic.

I didn’t have my cell phone (Murphy’s Law and pun intended) to call Andrew in the house. So, I ran a few doors down to ring the bell. I screamed into the intercom: “come downstairs…bring the camera.” We sprinted back to the corner to see Chelios walking in to the stadium with the Cup. I cut in front of him and Andrew asks: “Can we get a picture with the Cup?”

Chelios replied:“Can’t. Need to get in for the first pitch” Yet, he let me escort him to the entrance of Wrigley. If you notice from the pictures, I am walking in front of the security guards from the Chicago Police Department.

To get these picture, Andrew and I almost stepped on three puppies. I am not sure why their owner thought it was a good idea to walk them at the Bleacher entrance, but that is the risk she assumed. 
I felt mildly guilty until an old friend from high school said that a picture with Chelios and the Cup is probably worth kicking five puppies…at least.

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