Comp Eliminator


Results for Qualifying Round 1
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - GAINESVILLE - Notes from round 1
        qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals listing lane, driver
        name, elapsed time, top speed, amount over/under index, and position in
        order following run, class and class index: 
      Left Lane: Justin Lamb      Runs 8.486/159.80/-0.534, Now #2
      D/SMA Index: 9.02
     Right Lane: Steve Matusek    Runs 6.659/212.63/-0.711, Now #1
      BB/AT Index: 7.37
3:47 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 778 degrees, relative humidity 26 percent, barometer 29.82 inches, adjusted altitude 1,780 feet, track temperature 113 degrees.

From high atop the Taj Mahal - okay, it's really the top floor of the new Gainesville tower - we should have an excellent view to bring you the details behind the numbers at the Gatornationals.

It sounded like WWII oiut there, a pair of turbochargers popping and banging bunder Matusek's hood. The run was far from perfect, the car going way out toward the centerline and back to the groove in the first 330 feet.

Steve Matusek's incremental times: 60ft-1.064 sec., 330ft-2.869, 660ft-4.341/167.59mph, 1,000ft-5.600.

     Right Lane: Douglas Stewart  Runs 8.220/165.38/-0.500, Now #3
      B/SMA Index: 8.72
A prefect .500 under - there's no prize for that, however.
      Left Lane: Michael Iacono   Runs 8.769/153.79/-0.391, Now #4
      F/SM Index: 9.16
     Right Lane: Dick Maris       Runs 7.490/146.96/-0.050, Now #5
      C/D Index: 7.54
Maris slowed around half track, couldn't see why from here.
      Left Lane: Patrick Stewart  Runs 10.136/105.14/2.496, Now #7
      C/DA Index: 7.64
     Right Lane: Greg Kamplain    Runs 7.480/179.78/-0.390, Now #5
      C/ED Index: 7.87
Stewart slowed early in the run.
      Left Lane: Pam Miskovsky    Runs 7.128/188.91/-0.512, Now #3
      C/DA Index: 7.64
     Right Lane: Ray Bamond       Runs 11.489/77.90/2.769, Now #9
      B/SMA Index: 8.72
Bamond's car was duck-waddling, rocking back and forth, before he shut it down.
      Left Lane: David Allen      Runs 6.912/192.71/-0.648, Now #2
      BB/AM Index: 7.56
     Right Lane: Jenny Treadwell  Runs 8.254/157.54/-0.636, Now #3
      E/ED Index: 8.89
Two nice runs...
      Left Lane: Mike Saye        Runs 9.106/151.51/-0.174, Now #10
      H/A Index: 9.28
     Right Lane: Terry Smith      Runs 7.619/163.67/-0.371, Now #9
      D/ED Index: 7.99
Saye was off-pace from the start, Smith was pedaling the car on the top end, the RPMs up and down several times.
      Left Lane: Bruno Massel     Runs 7.968/136.57/-0.082, Now #12
      DD/AT Index: 8.05
     Right Lane: Anthony Bertozzi Runs 9.287/146.89/-0.453, Now #7
      I/SMA Index: 9.74
Bertozzi is in Arnie Martel's '08 Cobalt, the first time we've seen him in Comp Eliminator.

Massel's car runs hot and cold - this run was cold, slowing past half track.

      Left Lane: Lee Sharp        Runs 7.797/176.14/-0.593, Now #4
      B/EA Index: 8.39
     Right Lane: Peter Biondo     Runs 8.774/153.07/-0.496, Now #8
      F/SMA Index: 9.27
      Left Lane: Steven Kent      No Time, Now #19
      E/A Index: 8.36
     Right Lane: Russell Joly     Runs 8.127/165.84/-0.513, Now #6
      F/AA Index: 8.64
Kent made it out of the water, then the engine went silent. After Joly ran, the starting line crew went to work with the mpops on the center of Kent's side of the launch pad, so it looks like he had a transmission leak.

      Left Lane: Glen Treadwell   Runs 7.995/159.91/-0.665, Now #2
      G/ED Index: 8.66
     Right Lane: Bert Dawson      Runs 8.156/163.22/-0.484, Now #11
      F/AA Index: 8.64
Nice pass by Treadwell to move into the second spot.
      Left Lane: Lee Zane         Runs 8.973/146.99/-0.577, Now #6
      L/AA Index: 9.55
     Right Lane: Bill Yates       Runs 6.651/204.88/-0.569, Now #7
      A/ED Index: 7.22
Nice speed for Yates.
      Left Lane: Gary Merrick     Runs 7.334/180.14/-0.536, Now #8
      C/ED Index: 7.87
     Right Lane: Pat Williams     Runs 12.843/86.15/5.523, Now #24
      A/AP Index: 7.32
Williams' 665 cubic inch engine was silent when the tree came down and he drove through after restarting the engine.
      Left Lane: George Supinski  No Time, Now #25
      C/SM Index: 8.80
     Right Lane: Arnie Martel     No Time, Now #27
      I/SMA Index: 8.02
Martel has three cars here - Anthony Bertozzi is driving one of the others and Peter Biondo the other. Not a bad driving crew.

Neither driver gets a time because Martel's car made a high-speed lane change between half track and 1,000 feet after running 4.766/142.66 to the 660-foot mark, finishing ahead of Supinski in Supinski's lane.

      Left Lane: Rodger Brogdon   Runs 8.340/159.42/-0.620, Now #5
      G/A Index: 8.96
     Right Lane: Steve Ambrose    Runs 7.963/161.92/-0.437, Now #17
      J/AA Index: 8.40
It looked like Ambrose was spinning the tires about 200 feet out.
      Left Lane: Frank Cervelli   Runs 7.074/187.18/-0.566, Now #9
      C/DA Index: 7.64
     Right Lane: Blake Alexander  Runs 10.840/77.80/3.520, Now #27
      A/AP Index: 7.32
They pushed Alexander back and sent the tractor out to broom and drag the right lane about where the haze of tire smoke came off Ambrose's rear tires, so it looks like something got under the tires.

Alexander's altered went left immediately. He fought it, but crossed the stripe briefly and the run will be disqualified. He slowed and the run wouldn't get him in the field anyway.

      Left Lane: Allen Stanfield  Runs 9.032/149.30/-0.608, Now #6
      H/A Index: 9.64
     Right Lane: Frank Aragona Jr Runs 8.328/155.45/-0.592, Now #8
      G/EA Index: 8.92
Aragona went right down the groove and both drivers made good runs.
      Left Lane: Stephen Szupka   Runs 8.245/160.14/-0.605, Now #7
      F/ED Index: 8.85
     Right Lane: Robert Bailey    Runs 6.690/202.85/-0.530, Now #15
      A/ED Index: 7.22
Bailey had a good speed, probably won't be happy with the elapsed time. Nice run by Szupka.
      Left Lane: David Eaton      Runs 6.833/201.07/-0.487, Now #21
      A/AP Index: 7.32
     Right Lane: Van Puckett      Runs 8.105/164.87/-0.535, Now #14
      F/AA Index: 8.64
      Left Lane: David Rampy      Runs 8.183/165.31/-0.537, Now #14
      A/EA Index: 8.72
     Right Lane: Pat Ross         Runs 8.107/166.58/-0.573, Now #11
      F/A Index: 8.68
      Left Lane: R. Vierheller IIIRuns 7.493/174.12/-0.497, Now #22
      D/ED Index: 7.99
     Right Lane: Jeff Wright      Runs 7.205/192.36/-0.445, Now #27
      B/AA Index: 7.65
      Left Lane: Don Eberly       Runs 7.792/175.96/-0.228, Now #33
      C/EA Index: 8.02
     Right Lane: Lonnie Johnson   Runs 7.067/196.39/-0.583, Now #10
      B/AA Index: 7.65
Eberly's car was left of the groove and fishtailing for the first 400 feet.
      Left Lane: Donald Ksiezyk   Runs 10.111/88.65/2.921, Now #40
      A/AA Index: 7.19
     Right Lane: Jim Kimbrough    Runs 7.340/178.10/-0.530, Now #20
      C/ED Index: 7.87
Ksiezyk went to the left and had several close encounters with the wall, but never touched it.
      Left Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.704/200.98/-0.516, Now #22
      A/ED Index: 7.22
     Right Lane: Grant Lewis      Runs 8.817/147.10/-0.753, Now #1
      F/SMA Index: 9.57
Wow! We have a new #1, by a bunch.
     Right Lane: Peter Hanratty   Runs 6.587/206.64/-0.593, Now #10
      A/DA Index: 7.18
Hanratty close out a quick round of qualifying, Jeff Wright is on the bump spot at -0.445. and 48 cars made qualifying attempts.


Order for Qualifying Round 1
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round
        of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 Psn  Driver                   Class Index     ET   Ov/Un
   1. Steve Matusek            BB/AT  7.37  6.659  -0.711
   2. Glen Treadwell            G/ED  8.66  7.995  -0.665
   3. David Allen              BB/AM  7.56  6.912  -0.648
   4. Jenny Treadwell           E/ED  8.89  8.254  -0.636
   5. Rodger Brogdon             G/A  8.96  8.340  -0.620
   6. Allen Stanfield           H/SM  9.64  9.032  -0.608
   7. Stephen Szupka            F/ED  8.85  8.245  -0.605
   8. Lee Sharp                 B/EA  8.39  7.797  -0.593
   9. Pete Hanratty             A/DA  7.18  6.587  -0.593
  10. Frank Aragona             G/EA  8.92  8.328  -0.592
  11. Lonnie Johnson            B/AA  7.65  7.067  -0.583
  12. Lee Zane                  L/AA  9.55  8.973  -0.577
  13. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.68  8.107  -0.573
  14. Bill Yates                A/ED  7.22  6.651  -0.569
  15. Frank Cervelli            C/DA  7.64  7.074  -0.566
  16. David Rampy              B/SMA  8.72  8.183  -0.537
  17. Gary Merrick              C/ED  7.87  7.334  -0.536
  18. Van Puckett               F/AA  8.64  8.105  -0.535
  19. Justin Lamb              D/SMA  9.02  8.486  -0.534
  20. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.22  6.690  -0.530
  21. Jim Kimbrough             C/ED  7.87  7.340  -0.530
  22. Jacklyn Gebhardt          A/ED  7.22  6.704  -0.516
  23. Russell Joly              F/AA  8.64  8.127  -0.513
  24. Pam Miskovsky             C/DA  7.64  7.128  -0.512
  25. Douglas Stewart          B/SMA  8.72  8.220  -0.500
  26. Ray Vierheller III        D/ED  7.99  7.493  -0.497
  27. Peter Biondo             F/SMA  9.27  8.774  -0.496
  28. David Eaton               A/AP  7.32  6.833  -0.487
  29. Bert Dawson               F/AA  8.64  8.156  -0.484
  30. Anthony Bertozzi         I/SMA  9.74  9.287  -0.453
  31. Grant Lewis              F/SMA  9.27  8.817  -0.453
  32. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.40  7.963  -0.437
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  33. Michael Iacono            E/SM  9.16  8.769  -0.391
  34. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.87  7.480  -0.390
  35. Terry Smith               D/ED  7.99  7.619  -0.371
  36. Don Eberly                C/AA  8.02  7.792  -0.228
  37. Mike Saye                  H/A  9.28  9.106  -0.174
  38. Bruno Massel             DD/AT  8.05  7.968  -0.082
  39. Dick Maris                 C/D  7.54  7.490  -0.050
  40. Patrick Stewart           C/DA  7.64 10.136   2.496
  41. Ray Bamond               B/SMA  8.72 11.489   2.769
  42. Donald Ksiezyk            A/AA  7.19 10.111   2.921
  43. Blake Alexander           A/AP  7.32 10.840   3.520
  44. Pat Williams              A/AP  7.32 12.843   5.523
  45. George Supinski           C/SM  8.80 28.000  19.200
  46. Arnie Martel              C/AA  8.02   DQ
  47. Jeff Wright               B/AA  7.65   DQ


Results for Qualifying Round 2
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - GAINESVILLE - Notes from final, round 2
        qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals listing lane, driver
        name, elapsed time, top speed this round, amount over/under index this
        round, position in order following run, best prior elapsed time, speed
        & over/under Index, and position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: Steve Ambrose    No Time, Now #32
      J/AA Index: 8.40            Prior Best: 7.963/161.92/-0.437, Was #32
     Right Lane: Bruno Massel     Runs 12.001/72.45/3.951, Now #38
      DD/AT Index: 8.05           Prior Best: 7.968/136.57/-0.082, Was #38
3:22 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 79 degrees, relative humidity 66 percent, barometer 29.60 inches, adjusted altitude 2,549 feet, track temperature 97 degrees.

Steve Ambrose is on the bump spot at -0.437.

Massel's car was down on power early in the run and he coasted through. Ambrose will have to sweat this one out on the bubble, his car stationary after the tree came down.

      Left Lane: Ray Bamond       Runs 8.275/163.43/-0.445, Now #32
      B/SMA Index: 8.72           Prior Best: 11.489/77.90/2.769, Was #41
     Right Lane: Keith Roberts    No Time, Now #46
      L/AA Index: 9.55            No Prior Run
oberts did not make a run Thursday and he had problems getting the car fired here, so he is out of luck.
      Left Lane: Bill Yates       Runs 6.865/200.44/-0.355, Now #14
      A/ED Index: 7.22            Prior Best: 6.651/204.88/-0.569, Was #14
     Right Lane: Pam Miskovsky    Runs 7.165/187.50/-0.475, Now #24
      C/DA Index: 7.64            Prior Best: 7.128/188.91/-0.512, Was #24
Yates was visibly affected by the crosswind once he cleared the stands.
      Left Lane: Pat Williams     Runs 7.202/190.03/-0.118, Now #40
      A/AP Index: 7.32            Prior Best: 12.843/86.16/5.523, Was #44
     Right Lane: George Supinski  Runs 8.311/163.97/-0.489, Now #28
      C/SM Index: 8.80            Prior Best: 28.000/0.00/19.200, Was #45
Supinski lost his first run when Arnie Martel swapped lanes in front of him Thursday. He made a nice run here to make the field.
      Left Lane: Jenny Treadwell  Runs 8.457/139.41/-0.433, Now #4
      E/ED Index: 8.89            Prior Best: 8.254/157.54/-0.636, Was #4
     Right Lane: Michael Iacono   Runs 9.567/122.67/0.407, Now #35
      E/SM Index: 9.16            Prior Best: 8.769/153.79/-0.391, Was #33
Iacono lost his run Thursday and misses the field here.
      Left Lane: Anthony Bertozzi Runs 9.325/145.50/-0.415, Now #31
      I/SMA Index: 9.74           Prior Best: 9.287/146.89/-0.453, Was #31
     Right Lane: Mike Saye        Runs 9.027/150.03/-0.253, Now #38
      H/A Index: 9.28             Prior Best: 9.106/151.51/-0.174, Was #39
Saye won't be ion the ladder either and Bertozzi is very close to the bump spot.
      Left Lane: Lonnie Johnson   Runs 7.203/188.73/-0.447, Now #11
      B/AA Index: 7.65            Prior Best: 7.067/196.39/-0.583, Was #11
     Right Lane: Lee Zane         Runs 9.038/146.73/-0.512, Now #12
      L/AA Index: 9.55            Prior Best: 8.973/146.99/-0.577, Was #12
      Left Lane: Peter Biondo     Runs 8.807/153.21/-0.463, Now #27
      F/SMA Index: 9.27           Prior Best: 8.774/153.07/-0.496, Was #27
     Right Lane: Don Eberly       No Time, Now #39
      C/AA Index: 8.02            Prior Best: 7.792/175.96/-0.228, Was #39
Eberly went left and crossed the centerline a couple times.
      Left Lane: Arnie Martel     Runs 7.501/180.38/-0.519, Now #22
      I/SMA Index: 8.02           No Prior Run
     Right Lane: R. Vierheller IIIRuns 7.525/173.87/-0.465, Now #27
      D/ED Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.493/174.12/-0.497, Was #26
Martel stays in his lane and makes the field. That bumps Grant Lewis. Now Anthony Bertozzi is on the bump spot at -0.453.
      Left Lane: Russell Joly     Runs 8.177/164.25/-0.463, Now #24
      F/AA Index: 8.64            Prior Best: 8.127/165.84/-0.513, Was #24
     Right Lane: Steven Kent      Runs 7.870/171.99/-0.490, Now #29
      E/A Index: 8.36             No Prior Run
Kent broke on his first try, made a full pass here to bump Bertozzi.
      Left Lane: Douglas Stewart  Runs 8.196/164.59/-0.524, Now #22
      B/SMA Index: 8.72           Prior Best: 8.220/165.38/-0.500, Was #26
     Right Lane: Glen Treadwell   Runs 9.051/108.33/0.391, Now #2
      G/ED Index: 8.66            Prior Best: 7.995/159.91/-0.665, Was #2
Treadwell slowed as he came out from behind the stands.
      Left Lane: Blake Alexander  Runs 8.143/118.78/0.823, Now #45
      A/AP Index: 7.32            Prior Best: 10.840/77.80/3.520, Was #47
     Right Lane: Justin Lamb      Runs 8.486/157.85/-0.534, Now #19
      D/SMA Index: 9.02           Prior Best: 8.486/159.80/-0.534, Was #19
      Left Lane: Dick Maris       Runs 9.202/98.40/1.662, Now #44
      C/D Index: 7.54             Prior Best: 7.490/146.96/-0.050, Was #44
     Right Lane: Patrick Stewart  Runs 8.419/111.57/0.779, Now #45
      C/DA Index: 7.64            Prior Best: 10.136/105.14/2.496, Was #46
      Left Lane: Greg Kamplain    Runs 7.423/178.50/-0.447, Now #35
      C/ED Index: 7.87            Prior Best: 7.480/179.78/-0.390, Was #38
     Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.716/199.37/-0.504, Now #24
      A/ED Index: 7.22            Prior Best: 6.704/200.98/-0.516, Was #24
      Left Lane: Van Puckett      Runs 8.398/161.88/-0.242, Now #18
      F/AA Index: 8.64            Prior Best: 8.105/164.87/-0.535, Was #18
     Right Lane: David Eaton      Runs 6.889/200.17/-0.431, Now #31
      A/AP Index: 7.32            Prior Best: 6.833/201.07/-0.487, Was #31
      Left Lane: Pete Hanratty    Runs 6.588/206.23/-0.592, Now #9
      A/DA Index: 7.18            Prior Best: 6.587/206.64/-0.593, Was #9
     Right Lane: Allen Stanfield  Runs 9.159/146.10/-0.481, Now #6
      H/A Index: 9.64             Prior Best: 9.032/149.30/-0.608, Was #6
Wow, look at Hanratty's speed and his ET is within a thousandth of his run Thursday.
      Left Lane: Bert Dawson      Runs 8.284/162.53/-0.356, Now #32
      F/AA Index: 8.64            Prior Best: 8.156/163.22/-0.484, Was #32
     Right Lane: Lee Sharp        Runs 7.868/174.14/-0.522, Now #8
      B/EA Index: 8.39            Prior Best: 7.797/176.14/-0.593, Was #8
Dawson stays on the bubble.
      Left Lane: Terry Smith      Runs 7.543/173.99/-0.447, Now #36
      D/ED Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.619/163.67/-0.371, Was #39
     Right Lane: David Allen      Runs 7.229/192.63/-0.331, Now #3
      BB/AM Index: 7.56           Prior Best: 6.912/192.71/-0.648, Was #3
      Left Lane: Pat Ross         Runs 8.202/163.91/-0.478, Now #13
      F/A Index: 8.68             Prior Best: 8.107/166.58/-0.573, Was #13
     Right Lane: M. Johnson Jr.   Runs 7.348/185.59/-0.302, Now #40
      B/AA Index: 7.65            No Prior Run
MoJo came up short on his only qualifying run.
      Left Lane: Jim Kimbrough    Runs 7.402/176.93/-0.468, Now #21
      C/ED Index: 7.87            Prior Best: 7.340/178.10/-0.530, Was #21
     Right Lane: Frank Cervelli   Runs 7.236/180.79/-0.404, Now #15
      C/DA Index: 7.64            Prior Best: 7.074/187.18/-0.566, Was #15
      Left Lane: Robert Bailey    Runs 6.738/200.68/-0.482, Now #20
      A/ED Index: 7.22            Prior Best: 6.690/202.85/-0.530, Was #20
     Right Lane: David Rampy      Runs 8.256/163.53/-0.464, Now #16
      B/SMA Index: 8.72           Prior Best: 8.183/165.31/-0.537, Was #16
Bailey made a very nice run under windy conditions.
      Left Lane: Grant Lewis      Runs 8.759/152.66/-0.511, Now #27
      F/SMA Index: 9.27           Prior Best: 8.817/147.10/-0.453, Was #34
     Right Lane: Gary Merrick     Runs 7.403/178.31/-0.467, Now #17
      C/ED Index: 7.87            Prior Best: 7.334/180.14/-0.536, Was #17
Lewis bumnped back in, putting Dawson on the outside. Now David Eaton is on the bump spot at -0.487.
      Left Lane: Steve Matusek    Runs 6.788/201.16/-0.582, Now #1
      BB/AT Index: 7.37           Prior Best: 6.659/212.63/-0.711, Was #1
     Right Lane: Rodger Brogdon   Runs 8.379/157.63/-0.581, Now #5
      G/A Index: 8.96             Prior Best: 8.340/159.42/-0.620, Was #5
      Left Lane: Jeff Wright      No Time, Now #50
      B/AA Index: 7.65            No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Donald Ksiezyk   Runs 7.060/188.65/-0.130, Now #43
      A/AA Index: 7.19            Prior Best: 10.111/88.65/2.921, Was #48
Wright's car died on the burnout and Ksiezyk closed out the round on a single run. He improved, but not enough to make the field.
      Left Lane: Frank Aragona    Runs 9.094/110.68/0.174, Now #10
      G/EA Index: 8.92            Prior Best: 8.328/155.45/-0.592, Was #10
     Right Lane: Stephen Szupka   Runs 9.858/94.51/1.008, Now #7
      F/ED Index: 8.85            Prior Best: 8.245/160.14/-0.605, Was #7
4:11 p.m. Oops, after several minutes of what looked like track cleanup for the Pro Stock Motorcycle racers. there two pulled up to the water - they ARE the final pair of the round. And nothing changed. Steve Matusek is atop the list at -0.711 and David Eaton is on the bump spot at -0.487.


Order for Qualifying Round 2
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 2
        rounds of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag
        Racing Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 Psn  Driver                   Class Index     ET   Ov/Un
   1. Steve Matusek            BB/AT  7.37  6.659  -0.711
   2. Glen Treadwell            G/ED  8.66  7.995  -0.665
   3. David Allen              BB/AM  7.56  6.912  -0.648
   4. Jenny Treadwell           E/ED  8.89  8.254  -0.636
   5. Rodger Brogdon             G/A  8.96  8.340  -0.620
   6. Allen Stanfield           H/SM  9.64  9.032  -0.608
   7. Stephen Szupka            F/ED  8.85  8.245  -0.605
   8. Lee Sharp                 B/EA  8.39  7.797  -0.593
   9. Pete Hanratty             A/DA  7.18  6.587  -0.593
  10. Frank Aragona             G/EA  8.92  8.328  -0.592
  11. Lonnie Johnson            B/AA  7.65  7.067  -0.583
  12. Lee Zane                  L/AA  9.55  8.973  -0.577
  13. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.68  8.107  -0.573
  14. Bill Yates                A/ED  7.22  6.651  -0.569
  15. Frank Cervelli            C/DA  7.64  7.074  -0.566
  16. David Rampy              B/SMA  8.72  8.183  -0.537
  17. Gary Merrick              C/ED  7.87  7.334  -0.536
  18. Van Puckett               F/AA  8.64  8.105  -0.535
  19. Justin Lamb              D/SMA  9.02  8.486  -0.534
  20. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.22  6.690  -0.530
  21. Jim Kimbrough             C/ED  7.87  7.340  -0.530
  22. Douglas Stewart          B/SMA  8.72  8.196  -0.524
  23. Arnie Martel              C/AA  8.02  7.501  -0.519
  24. Jacklyn Gebhardt          A/ED  7.22  6.704  -0.516
  25. Russell Joly              F/AA  8.64  8.127  -0.513
  26. Pam Miskovsky             C/DA  7.64  7.128  -0.512
  27. Grant Lewis              F/SMA  9.27  8.759  -0.511
  28. Ray Vierheller III        D/ED  7.99  7.493  -0.497
  29. Peter Biondo             F/SMA  9.27  8.774  -0.496
  30. Steven Kent                E/A  8.36  7.870  -0.490
  31. George Supinski           C/SM  8.80  8.311  -0.489
  32. David Eaton               A/AP  7.32  6.833  -0.487
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  33. Bert Dawson               F/AA  8.64  8.156  -0.484
  34. Anthony Bertozzi         I/SMA  9.74  9.287  -0.453
  35. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.87  7.423  -0.447
  36. Terry Smith               D/ED  7.99  7.543  -0.447
  37. Ray Bamond               B/SMA  8.72  8.275  -0.445
  38. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.40  7.963  -0.437
  39. Michael Iacono            E/SM  9.16  8.769  -0.391
  40. Morris Johnson Jr.        B/AA  7.65  7.348  -0.302
  41. Mike Saye                  H/A  9.28  9.027  -0.253
  42. Don Eberly                C/AA  8.02  7.792  -0.228
  43. Donald Ksiezyk            A/AA  7.19  7.060  -0.130
  44. Pat Williams              A/AP  7.32  7.202  -0.118
  45. Bruno Massel             DD/AT  8.05  7.968  -0.082
  46. Dick Maris                 C/D  7.54  7.490  -0.050
  47. Patrick Stewart           C/DA  7.64  8.419   0.779
  48. Blake Alexander           A/AP  7.32  8.143   0.823
  49. Jeff Wright               B/AA  7.65   DQ


Results for Elimination Round 1
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 1
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Grant Lewis            F/SMA   9.27  0.122     9.041 -0.229
 (L) Lonnie Johnson          B/AA   7.65  0.094    DQ-Centerline
8:06 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 76 percent, barometer 29.58 inches, adjusted altitude 2,389 feet, track temperature 84 degrees.

The wind is still blowing, but now it's more of a tailwind than a crosswind.

Johnson was aimed at the 330-foot marker when he launched and he never lifted until after he hit the reflector. Easy win for Lewis on the DQ.

 (W) Rodger Brogdon           G/A   8.96  0.185     8.437 -0.523
 (L) Jim Kimbrough           C/ED   7.87  0.183     7.391 -0.479
Both were pretty late on the tree, Kimbrough unable to run Brogdon down. Rodger Brogdon's MOV: 0.0427 seconds (approximately 11 feet).
 (W) Jenny Treadwell         E/ED   8.89  0.005     8.382 -0.508
 (L) Robert Bailey           A/ED   7.22  0.014     6.746 -0.474
Two excellent lights here, and Treadwell had the muscle to hold Bailey off on the top end. Jenny Treadwell's MOV: 0.0433 seconds (approximately 13 feet).
 (W) Douglas Stewart        B/SMA   8.72  0.098     8.178 -0.542
 (L) Allen Stanfield         H/SM   9.64  0.050     9.224 -0.416
Douglas Stewart's MOV: 0.0787 seconds (approximately 17 feet).

This is a little scary from this vantage point, you can see the drivers move toward the centerline on the top end to judge the finish line.

Stewart took a small CIC penalty to make up for Stanfield's styarting line advantage.

 (W) Van Puckett             F/AA   8.64  0.061     8.778  0.138
 (L) Glen Treadwell          G/ED   8.66  -0.017(R)14.312  5.652
The senior member of the Treadwell team was a little too eager and went red.
 (W) Pete Hanratty           A/DA   7.18  0.079     6.602 -0.578
 (L) Russell Joly            F/AA   8.64  0.001     8.184 -0.456
Joly had an almost-perfect light, but Hanratty paid a big CIC penalty to go around him. Pete Hanratty's MOV: 0.0441 seconds (approximately 10 feet).
 (W) Bill Yates              A/ED   7.22  0.050     9.701  2.481
 (L) Steven Kent              E/A   8.36  -0.220(R) 9.425  1.065
Yates races Stewart in round two.
 (W) George Supinski         C/SM   8.80  0.050    10.036  1.236
 (L) Frank Cervelli          C/DA   7.64  -0.259(R) 7.979  0.339
 (W) Frank Aragona           G/EA   8.92  0.001     8.463 -0.457
 (L) Pam Miskovsky           C/DA   7.64  0.132     7.177 -0.463
Aragona was almost perfect on the tree, Miskovsky was not. Aragona races Puckett in roiund two.
 (W) Lee Sharp               B/EA   8.39  0.009     7.893 -0.497
 (L) Bert Dawson             F/AA   8.64  0.102     8.236 -0.404
Dawson was in as first alternate, for Jacquelyn Gebhardt. He was supposed to leave first, but he most of it back at the tree. Sharp had a great light and an easy win.
 (W) Lee Zane                L/AA   9.55  0.043     9.940  0.390
 (L) Ray Vierheller III      D/ED   7.99  -0.033(R) 7.687 -0.303
Zane faces Jenny Treadwell in round two.
 (W) Stephen Szupka          F/ED   8.85  0.042     8.409 -0.441
 (L) Arnie Martel            C/AA   8.02  0.075     7.557 -0.463
Szupka had the better light and enough under the hood to hold Martel off on the top end. Stephen Szupka's MOV: 0.0118 seconds (approximately 3 feet). He races Supinski in round two.
 (W) Peter Biondo           F/SMA   9.27  0.059     8.998 -0.272
 (L) Pat Ross                 F/A   8.68  -0.071(R) 8.370 -0.310
Biondo races Brogdon in round two.
 (W) Gary Merrick            C/ED   7.87  0.155     7.398 -0.472
 (L) Steve Matusek          BB/AT   7.37  0.190     6.913 -0.457
Gary Merrick's MOV: 0.0502 seconds (approximately 15 feet). He races Hanratty in round two.
 (W) David Eaton             A/AP   7.32  0.093     7.014 -0.306
 (L) David Rampy            B/SMA   8.72  0.254     8.418 -0.302
Rampy was uncharacteristically late and Eaton just eased on by for the win. Eaton races Sharp in round two.
 (W) Justin Lamb            D/SMA   9.02  0.051     8.519 -0.501
 (L) David Allen            BB/AM   7.56  0.078     7.037 -0.523
Justin Lamb's MOV: 0.0056 seconds (approximately 19 inches).Lamb races Lewis next round.


Results for Elimination Round 2
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Lee Zane                L/AA   9.55  0.008     9.011 -0.539
 (L) Jenny Treadwell         E/ED   8.89  0.135     8.263 -0.627
Zane with a great light and the win by about nine feet.
 (W) Stephen Szupka          F/ED   8.85  0.085     8.870  0.020
 (L) George Supinski         C/SM   8.80  -0.078(R)15.367  6.567
Supinski is too quick on the tree.
 (W) Frank Aragona           G/EA   8.92  0.041     8.428 -0.492
 (L) Van Puckett             F/AA   8.64  0.035     8.174 -0.466
Frank Aragona's MOV: 0.0203 seconds (approximately 5 feet).
 (W) Douglas Stewart        B/SMA   8.68  0.045     8.175 -0.505
 (L) Bill Yates              A/ED   7.22  -0.010(R) 7.608  0.388
Yate was too quick on the tree, turning on the red light. Stewart will face Aragona in the next round.
 (W) Pete Hanratty           A/DA   7.11  0.066     7.041 -0.069
 (L) Gary Merrick            C/ED   7.87  0.507     7.418 -0.452
Merrick with a big wheel stand right off the starting line.
 (W) Rodger Brogdon           G/A   8.94  0.097     8.961  0.021
 (L) Peter Biondo           F/SMA   9.27  0.010    17.029  7.759
Biondo with a huge wheel stand and headed toward the wall before he clicked it off. Brogdon will face Hanratty in the next round.
 (W) Lee Sharp               B/EA   8.39  0.089     7.697 -0.693
 (L) David Eaton             A/AP   7.32  0.066     6.924 -0.396
Sharp took a big hit for the win. Sharp will face Zane in the next round.
 (W) Justin Lamb            D/SMA   9.02  0.024     8.647 -0.373
 (L) Grant Lewis            F/SMA   9.27  0.009    10.463  1.193
Lewis with a great light, but then has problems...Lamb with the win and he face Szupka in the next round.


Results for Elimination Round 3
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Frank Aragona           G/EA   8.92  0.012     8.379 -0.541
 (L) Douglas Stewart        B/SMA   8.68  0.177     8.218 -0.462
2:40 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 80 degrees, relative humidity 30 percent, barometer 29.85 inches, adjusted altitude 1,919 feet, track temperature 114 degrees.

Douglas Stewart has a 0.04 CIC penalty; Frank Aragona has no CIC penalty.

Aragona sawed the tree down, Stewart was late, and Aragona took a small CIC hit to ensure the victory.

 (W) Lee Zane                L/AA   9.52  0.056     8.976 -0.544
 (L) Lee Sharp               B/EA   8.20  0.012     7.727 -0.473
Lee Zane has a 0.03 CIC penalty; Lee Sharp has a 0.19 CIC penalty. Sharp had a great light, but could not run Zane down. Zane added to his CIC burden, but is in the semifinals against Aragona.
 (W) Rodger Brogdon           G/A   8.94  0.010     8.935 -0.005
 (L) Pete Hanratty           A/DA   7.11  -0.044(R) 8.484  1.374
Pete Hanratty has a 0.07 CIC penalty; Rodger Brogdon has a 0.02 CIC penalty.

Hanratty went red and Brogdon lifted before 1,000 feet to save the rest of his index.

 (W) Justin Lamb            D/SMA   9.02  0.048     8.433 -0.587
 (L) Stephen Szupka          F/ED   8.85  0.022     8.294 -0.556
Szupka is in Aragona's dragster, by the way. Neither driver has a CIC penalty.

Two good lights, but Lamb spent 0.08 in CIC to get the win and Szupka could not hold him off. Justin Lamb's MOV: 0.0057 seconds (approximately 16 inches). Lamb faces Brogdon in the semifinals.



Results for Elimination Round 4
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Lee Zane                L/AA   9.48  0.034    11.461  1.981
 (L) Frank Aragona           G/EA   8.88  -0.059(R)11.642  2.762
4:16 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 31 percent, barometer 29.83 inches, adjusted altitude 2,025 feet, track temperature 118 degrees.

Frank Aragona has a 0.04 CIC penalty; Lee Zane has a 0.07 CIC penalty.

Aragona went way red and both drivers lifted when they spotted the win light on Zane's scoreboard.

 (W) Rodger Brogdon           G/A   8.94  0.156     8.942  0.002
 (L) Justin Lamb            D/SMA   8.94  -9.999(R)NT-Broke Before Staging
The starting line crew gatrhered around Lamb's car, took a look underneath, then pushed him back, giving Brogdon a free pass to the finals against Zane.


Results for Final Round 
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round
        5 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag
        Racing Series, 39th annual ACDelco NHRA Gatornationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Rodger Brogdon           G/A   8.94  0.048     8.368 -0.572
 (L) Lee Zane                L/AA   9.48  0.023     8.984 -0.496
5:03 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 82 degrees, relative humidity 26 percent, barometer 29.84 inches, adjusted altitude 2,032 feet, track temperature 117 degrees.

Lee Zane has a 0.07 CIC penalty; Rodger Brogdon has a 0.02 CIC penalty.

Zane had the better light, but Brogdon managed to run him down without taking a permanent index adjustment to get his third win in five final rounds. Rodger Brogdon's MOV: 0.0517 seconds (approximately 11 feet).